by: Motley Rice
Aviation attorney Mary Schiavo tells Kansas City, MO's KCTV how alcohol adversely affects aviation safety and says that alcohol is the top contributing factor to air rage on commercial airlines.
by: Motley Rice
Aviation attorney Mary Schiavo comments on the FAA's enforcement of airline compliance following testimony on the fatal crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407.
by: Motley Rice
Aviation attorney Mary Schiavo is featured on CBS' Evening News with Katie Couric regarding the safety of regional carrier flights and says that a lack of pilot training may be to blame for recent crashes.
by: Motley Rice
The House Commerce Committee's health subcommittee is holding a hearing today on the Medical Device Safety Act that, if passed by Congress, will override the Supreme Court decision in <i>Riegel v. Medtronic</i> that currently keeps consumers from suing medical device companies over FDA-approved devices.
by: Motley Rice
Aviation attorney Mary Schiavo speaks with CNN Headline News about new reports alleging that the pilot of Colgan Air Flight 3407 may be to blame for the flight's crash on February 12, 2009.
by: Motley Rice
Motley Rice celebrates justice for former human rights clients as the UAE (United Arab Emirates) compensates former camel jockeys in Bangladesh who allegedly suffered abuse and injuries after being sold into slavery as children.
by: Motley Rice
Motley Rice attorney Carmen Scott comments on safety questions surrounding NuvaRing® contraceptive.
by: Motley Rice
Associate General Counsel Laura Khare takes the stage at ABA Center for Professional Responsibility's 35th National Conference on Professional Responsibility.
by: Motley Rice
Anne Kearse speaks at ACI's 10th National Advanced Forum on Litigating and Managing Asbestos Claims.
by: Motley Rice
Six Motley Rice attorneys were selected by their peers for inclusion in the 2010 edition of The Best Lawyers in America®.