Case Overview
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Some now allege that this largely unregulated industry treats the wellbeing of innocent children and teens as collateral damage in the race for user growth and profits. Meta denies the allegations raised by Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower, and that its social media platforms are harmful to users.
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Motley Rice is reviewing allegations that multiple social media platforms, including Instagram and Snapchat, intentionally and deliberately designed their social media platforms without regard to the safety of our children. Specifically, Motley Rice is reviewing allegations that Instagram and Snapchat’s respective parent companies Facebook Inc. (Meta Platforms, Inc. since 10/28/2021) and Snap Inc.:
- Created algorithms designed to addict children and lead them to increasingly provocative images that often promote eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, suicide attempts and suicide
- Marketed themselves as safe for children over 14, while knowing that their software programs were particularly dangerous to adolescent and teenage girls
- Failed to warn parents or social media users of the known negative health effects associated with use of their platforms
- Failed to verify the ages of users, allowing many children under 13 to access their platforms based simply on their self-reported birthday
If you or your child attempted or died by suicide, was treated due to self-harm, or had a health care professional diagnose you with an eating disorder that you believe was worsened due to social media, know that our thoughts are with you and your family. You may contact attorney Previn Warren by phone at 1.888.425.2020 or complete this form at any time to talk through your family’s situation and any potential legal options you may have. If you choose to speak with one of our lawyers, you should know that we understand the sensitive nature of your potential case and will do everything in our power to keep your information private.
Call us or fill out our online form with your case details.
Our team meticulously reviews your information to assess your case's potential.
Discuss next steps with our lawyer for tailored guidance.
Motley Rice LLC is primarily located at 28 Bridgeside Drive, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464. The attorneys responsible for this advertising are Donald A. Migliori (MA, MN, NY, RI, SC), Nathan D. Finch (DC, VA), Esther Berezofsky (NJ, PA), Kimberly Barone Baden (CA), P. Graham Maiden (MT, OH), John E. Herrick (MD), John D. Hurst (NC, WV), Jennifer G. Guy (AZ), Kevin R. Dean (GA), Jonathan D. Orent (WI), and Louis M. Bograd (KY).
Motley Rice LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company, is engaged in the New Jersey practice of law through Motley Rice New Jersey LLC. Esther Berezofsky attorney responsible for New Jersey practice. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Motley Rice LLP, a CA limited liability partnership, conducts the Firm’s CA practice.
Results depend on the case facts and will differ if based on different facts.
Each case is different. Our past record is no assurance that we successfully reach a favorable result in any future case.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.
Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome, cases we mention are illustrative of the matters we handle, case results depend on a variety of factors unique to each case; and we have not provided the results of all of our cases.