Generic Drug Antitrust Class Actions
Some brand pharmaceutical drug companies delay generic market entry through “reverse payment” settlement agreements with generic competition. According to a Federal Trade Commission study, this practice may overcharge consumers and health insurers by approximately $3.5 billion every year.
GM Smart Driver Lawsuit
Numerous lawsuits have since been filed in multiple states against General Motors, OnStar, LexisNexis and Verisk.
Gulfstream IV (Private Flight)
If you or someone you know is interested in seeking legal recourse following a tragic private plane crash, please contact Motley Rice aviation attorney and former U.S. Department of Transportation Inspector General Mary Schiavo and aviation attorney Jim Brauchle.
Hair Relaxer Lawsuit
Recent research has found a link between the chemicals in hair relaxer products and ovarian, uterine and endometrial cancer. Women who have suffered significant health problems as a result of using hair relaxers may be entitled to seek compensation through a hair relaxer lawsuit.
Hamas Terrorist Attack Lawsuit
We believe that the innocent victims of terrorist attacks and their families should be afforded every right to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.
Harrods Sexual Abuse and Trafficking Lawsuit
If you are a survivor of alleged sexual abuse while employed at Harrods, you may be eligible to file a sexual abuse lawsuit. Learn more about confidential legal options below.
Head Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injury
When someone else’s negligence results in serious head trauma, brain injury or wrongful death, these responsible parties should be held accountable.
Hernia Mesh Lawsuit
Hernias are a problem that for many requires surgery to alleviate daily pain, discomfort and other symptoms. Unfortunately, some who were promised a solution by having hernia mesh implanted to repair the hernia instead found themselves facing potential problems.
Household Asbestos Exposure
Motley Rice lawyers have more than three decades of experience in asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits, representing victims of occupational, environmental and household asbestos exposure.
Human Trafficking Lawsuits
Human trafficking is recognized as one of the U.S.’s largest and fastest growing criminal enterprises. While criminal in nature, the civil justice system can be a way for those who have been trafficked to find justice.
Instagram Addiction Lawsuit
People are filing Instagram lawsuits, alleging harms from addiction and other mental health issues. They allege the platform is designed to maximize use at the cost of young people's well-being.
International Hotel Bombings
Insufficient security measures may contribute to terrorist attacks on properties owned by U.S.-based entities on foreign soil. Prior attacks on hotels in terror-prone regions put businesses on notice and should have been enough reason for hotels to stringently increase security.