The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published findings earlier this week indicating that women who use contraceptive transdermal patches or vaginal rings may have an approximate 7.9 and 6.5 times greater risk, respectively, of developing venous thrombosis when compared to women in the same age group who do not use such hormonal contraceptives.

Furthermore, the research found that women who use hormone-releasing contraceptives such as NuvaRing® or Ortho Evra® may be twice as likely to develop blood clots in comparison to women taking levonorgestrel-based oral contraceptives.

Venous thrombosis is a serious medical condition that occurs when blood clots form within a vein. If left untreated, these clots may lead to life-threatening side effects, including deep vein thrombosis (DTV) or pulmonary embolism.

To reach these findings, researchers collected data from more than 1.6 million Danish women and evaluated information on various types of hormonal contraceptives used by women ranging in age from 15 to 49-years-old who had no prior medical history of cancer or thrombic disease. 

Motley Rice lawyers are litigating NuvaRing cases involving women who used this contraceptive and suffered serious injuries or death.

Read the full article on the reported increased birth control blood clot risk in the British Medical Journal.

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