by: Fidelma L. Fitzpatrick
Even low levels of lead in the blood (5 micrograms per deciliter µg/dL) can result in lower IQ, hyperactivity, hearing problems and anemia, and in rare cases has led to seizures, coma and even death. To put that into context, accidentally eating a chip of lead paint about the size of a period (.) can cause an elevated blood lead level of 20 µg/dL in a young child.
by: Motley Rice
As many Americans are all too aware, lung cancer continues to be the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the United States. It is mainly seen as a disease of the elderly, with more than 82 percent of those suffering 60 years of age or older.
by: John E. Herrick
A couple of recent articles about renovation workers encountering asbestos while working on building modifications have recently caught my attention. And, with Mesothelioma Awareness Day coming up, I wanted to share some thoughts on asbestos, mesothelioma and the public perception of the problem.
by: Michael E. Elsner
Yesterday, Arab Bank was found liable for knowingly providing material support to Hamas which substantially assisted Hamas in carrying out 24 separate terrorist attacks killing and injuring hundreds of American citizens. This case marked the very first time a financial institution has ever been tried in the United States for violating the Anti-Terrorism Act.
by: Joseph F. Rice
Almost 10 years since my partner and friend Ron Motley said to me, “Joe, we can make a difference, this is a cause no one else will do,” a Brooklyn, N.Y. jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of the plaintiffs in <em>Linde et al. v. Arab Bank PLC,</em> finding Arab Bank responsible for terrorist financing – the first time that a financial institution has been brought to trial under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA).
by: Rebecca M. Katz
Congress should take a cue from the SEC's whistleblower program and protect FIRREA whistleblowers' confidentiality throughout the process.
by: Jodi Westbrook Flowers
Thirteen years have passed, and yet the memories of the terrorist attacks on 9/11 remain etched in our collective memory. Today, tens of thousands of survivors, residents, area workers and responders suffer from respiratory illnesses and related injuries as a result of exposure to toxic World Trade Center dust in the aftermath, rescue, recovery and clean-up.
by: Joseph F. Rice
I was proud to be a member of the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee that announced a settlement yesterday with Halliburton Energy Services Inc. This settlement will make approximately $1 billion in additional funds available to some victims of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy.
by: Fred Thompson III
The controversial Wyeth v. Weeks decision, which was confirmed by the Alabama Supreme Court this past August 15, 2014, provided a welcome ray of hope in a preemption landscape made desolate by the Mensing decision of 2011.
by: Carmen S. Scott
When the FDA released a safety communication earlier this year about the laparoscopic power morcellation (LPM) procedure, many women may have been shocked to learn that this fairly common procedure for removing supposedly benign uterine fibroids could result in the rapid spread of cancer if those fibroids turned out to be malignant.