Asbestos Awareness Conference: 10th annual ADAO conference continued to inspire

Motley Rice was a proud sponsor of the 10th annual International Asbestos Awareness Conference, presented by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO). Held April 4 to 6 in Washington, D.C., the conference theme was "Where Knowledge and Action Unite," and the keynote speaker was Rear Admiral (RADM) Boris Lushniak, Acting U.S. Surgeon General. Many leaders in asbestos awareness advocacy community were honored, including Congressman Henry Waxman, Dr. Ken Takahashi, Dr. David Egilman, Bill Ravenesi, The National Association for the Defense of Asbestos Victims (Andeva), Congressman Bruce Vento, mesothelioma victim Janelle Bedel, and mesothelioma warriors Heather Von St. James and Lou Williams. Learn more about the honorees here.

Learn about ADAO and the conference here.