American Conference Institute: Asbestos lawyer to speak at ACI National Forum on Asbestos Claims & Litigation

Motley Rice asbestos lawyer Vincent Greene has been invited to speak at the American Conference Institute's (ACI) 12th National Forum on Asbestos Claims & Litigation being held Jan. 26 and 27, 2012, at the Union League in Philadelphia.

On Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012,  at 11:10 a.m., Greene will participate in a panel discussion entitled "From the Plaintiffs' Bar: Leading Plaintiff Counsel Perspectives on Litigating Asbestos Claims" to discuss topics that include:

  • An analysis of notable verdicts
  • Facing non-traditional defendants
  • How federal and state reforms will impact plaintiffs' attorneys
  • Innovative discovery techniques
  • The migration of claims: where they are going and why?
  • What are the most commonly paid claims?
  • What is the future of non-malignant claims?
  • Why are certain cases moving to trial?

Additional members of the panel are Benjamin P. Shein of Shein Law Center, Ltd., and Joseph W. Belluck of Belluck & Fox, L.L.P.

Read more about ACI's 12th National Forum on Asbestos Claims & Litigation, including the agenda, speakers and how to register to attend.