Motley Rice asbestos lawyer John Herrick will serve as a guest speaker at the annual Andrew's Asbestos Litigation Conference being held at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans, Louisiana on Tuesday, October 28, 2010 - Wednesday, October 29, 2010. This conference brings together asbestos lawyers and medical and science experts from around the country to address new developments in asbestos litigation.
Herrick will speak on Thursday, October 28, 2010 from 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on "MDL 875 - The Latest Developments and Push Toward Remands."
Additional topics to be covered at the asbestos conference include:
- Bankruptcies: How to Work with Trusts
- Congeniality Panel: Addressing Civility in the Asbestos Bar
- Ethics
- Insurance Questions
- Mandatory Settlement Conferences and Settlement Strategies
- Medicaid Regulations and Medicare Liens
- Updates on the Impact of Tort Reform