Asbestos Litigation Conference: Member to moderate judicial roundtable

Motley Rice member and asbestos lawyer Anne McGinness Kearse will participate in the 2011 Perrin Conference, Cutting-Edge Issues in Asbestos Litigation, being held from Thursday, March 3 to Friday, March 4 at the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Kearse will serve as a moderator for the judicial roundtable discussion, "A View from the Bench" on Thursday, March 3 at 3:45 p.m. Panel topics include:

  • Coping with demanding dockets and quickly tracking claims
  • Judicial administration of mass tort litigation and optimal practices for moving cases toward resolution
  • Litigation administration and methods for working cohesively and economically
  • National overview of changes in CMO's, pre-trial activities and procedures
  • Recurring and emerging evidentiary issues in asbestos cases

Learn more about how Motley Rice asbestos lawyers represent asbestos victims and fight for compensation and accountability from companies that manufactured, distributed or supplied asbestos-containing products.