According to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcement, the early results of agency-funded research suggests women who use newer birth control methods with the synthetic hormone drospirenone could be at greater risk for developing blood clots.
"The FDA is informing the public that it has not yet reached a conclusion, but remains concerned, about the potential increased risk of blood clots for women who use drospirenone-containing birth control pills,'' the alert stated.
The FDA plans to meet in December with two advisory panels, the Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety and risk Management Advisory Committee, to further research conflicting safety data generated by different studies conducted on these types of contraceptives.
Among the newer contraceptives concerning the FDA is Yaz, a popular birth control pill manufactured by Bayer AG. Motley Rice is litigating cases for clients who have allegedly suffered serious heart-related side effects including, blood clots, heart attack and stroke as a result of taking Yaz.
Read the full article on raised risks with newer birth controls in New Jersey Business.
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