Knowledge Is Hope: Conference Focuses on Malignant Mesothelioma

On September 28, just two days after Mesothelioma Awareness Day, patients, their families, doctors and others interested in learning about malignant mesothelioma will gather in New York City for the Knowledge is Hope conference. The mission of this one-day conference is to focus on this aggressive, deadly disease—offering sessions on topics such as the role of surgery; current treatment options; occupational and 9/11 exposures; and legal implications.

Motley Rice asbestos attorney Alex R. Straus will attend the Knowledge is Hope conference. He represents people and family members suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases due to occupational, environmental or household asbestos exposure. Staying abreast of current medical news is important to our attorneys so that they can continue to understand what our clients face on a daily basis.

All registration fees for Knowledge is Hope will be donated back to the Meso Foundation.

Learn more about how Motley Rice asbestos lawyers represent victims of asbestos exposure and fight for compensation and accountability on their behalf against companies that knowingly exposed people to asbestos-containing products.