National Asbestos Conference: Motley Rice attorneys invited to speak

Motley Rice asbestos lawyers Nate Finch and Brian Bevon will serve as guest speakers at Harris Martin Publishing's upcoming National Asbestos Conference: Litigation and Trial of MDL Asbestos Claims in Federal Court. The conference will be held Feb. 24 - 25, 2011, at Fontainebleau in Miami, Fla.

Finch will speak Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. as part of a discussion entitled "The Standards of Proof in Federal District Court."

Bevon is speaking on Friday, Feb. 25, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. in a panel discussion entitled "Current Status of the Asbestos MDL."

Additional topics to be addressed at this year's conference include:

  • Federal rules of evidence in trial
  • Clearing Daubert hurdles with your asbestos experts
  • Venue and transfer issues
  • The ethics of threatening removal to federal court as a settlement tool
  • The changing views of removal among defendants
  • Discovery issues involving bankruptcy trusts, transparency issues and MDL 875
  • Trial attorney conduct and decorum in federal district court

Read more about the 2011 National Asbestos Conference, including its guest speakers and agenda.

Learn more about how Motley Rice asbestos lawyers represent asbestos victims and fight for compensation and accountability from companies that manufactured, distributed or supplied asbestos-containing products.