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Toxic Exposure /

Norfolk Southern Train Derailment Lawsuit

Norfolk Southern Train Derailment Lawsuit

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A Norfolk Southern train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 3, 2023, causing a fiery explosion. Of the 50 cars involved in the derailment, at least 10 contained known hazardous materials, including butyl acrylate and vinyl chloride chemicals. Days later, a controlled burn of the chemicals released additional plumes of toxic smoke into the air.

Residents who live at or near the crash site have been left with serious questions about ongoing cleanup efforts and how the toxins could affect their long-term health. Legal remedies may be available for impacted families and businesses that are coping with the effects of the derailment.

Contact a toxic exposure attorney

If you or a loved one was impacted by the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, and have questions about your legal options you may contact attorney Graham Maiden at 1.800.768.4026 or submitting this webform. We strongly encourage impacted residents to consult with a knowledgeable attorney before signing or agreeing to potential compensation from Norfolk Southern.

Motley Rice Train Crash Experience

Motley Rice attorneys have experience representing victims of train disasters, including representing people who were injured when two trains collided in January 2005 in Graniteville, S.C., resulting in a massive chlorine spill that injured dozens and killed eight people. The settlement provided compensation for personal injury claims associated with the crash and chemical spill. Read more about our train and railroad litigation experience.

Motley Rice also has a robust toxic exposure practice with experience negotiating both settlements reached with BP following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, one of which was the largest civil class action settlement in U.S. history. Additionally, our attorneys represent workers who are exposed to dangerous toxic chemicals on the job, victims of childhood lead poisoning, and other toxic exposures known to cause life-altering health problems. Read more on our toxic exposure experience.

Related News (Feb. 10, 2023): Attorney leery of $1,000 ‘inconvenience’ checks Norfolk Southern is offering victims of East Palestine train derailment
The New York Times (Feb. 14, 2023): What We Know About the Train Derailment in Ohio
National Law Journal (Feb. 16, 2023): Attorneys Probing 'Every Potential Avenue' Over Norfolk Southern Accident

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