Kevin Dean featured on WCSC-TV to raise awareness about Boy Scouts child abuse Nov. 16 claims filing deadline

During an interview with Charleston, S.C., TV station, Live5 News, Motley Rice attorney Kevin Dean, who achieved Eagle Scout status in his youth, discussed the status of Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) bankruptcy and the upcoming November 16, 2020 deadline for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to file claims seeking compensation.

BSA filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February amid the threat of thousands of potential lawsuits brought by former scouts who allege they were sexually abused while in Scouting. Many survivors allege the organization concealed their sexual abuse, often times for years, instead of alerting law enforcement and protecting children from predators.

Kevin Dean raises awareness about Boy Scouts child abuse

“None of these issues were in my troop or community that I was aware of,” Kevin, who was a Boy Scout for 10 years, told WCSC-TV. “I find myself in the middle because it is a good program if it was handled properly and when issues arose, if people would alert officials...that obviously didn’t happen.”

He added, “unfortunately, this sexual abuse has gone on for many, many years. Hidden from the public. And it put the Boy Scouts of America in a position where they had to file bankruptcy.”

Survivors nationwide must file their claims against BSA by the deadline of 5:00 p.m. EST on November 16, 2020, which is the claims bar date, Dean said. While the bankruptcy process can be complex and pose a challenge for survivors, a childhood sexual abuse attorney who has extensive experience both navigating the bankruptcy process and negotiating bankruptcy trusts can discuss your options moving forward. Motley Rice is playing a significant role in the bankruptcy proceeding and negotiations on behalf of  a group of firms representing thousands of survivors, referred to as The Coalition of Abused Scouts for Justice.

Filing a boy scout abuse claim

“The allegations against BSA are unconscionable and while I still believe survivors deserve justice for the years of trauma and abuse they were forced to endure, the bankruptcy process at the very least creates an opportunity for survivors to seek compensation for the harm done,” said Motley Rice lawyer Daniel Lapinski, who represents former scouts in the bankruptcy and litigates  around the country for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. “The 12-page claims form may seem overwhelming to many people, but a lawyer who has worked in bankruptcies and abuse cases can assist.”

In addition to representing sexual abuse survivors, Motley Rice attorneys have experience guiding clients through the claims process in complex bankruptcy court proceedings. Firm co-founder Joe Rice helped pioneer asbestos litigation in the 1970s, and has decades of experience negotiating settlements with dozens of bankrupted asbestos companies that established asbestos trusts to compensate victims. The firm also helped victims of Takata airbags acquire compensation after Takata filed for bankruptcy in 2017.

For more information or help filing a bankruptcy claim against BSA, complete this form or call 1.888.221.4122. Survivors can also visit BSA’s restructuring website for more information on the claims process.