The families of the nine Charleston firefighters who lost their lives in the 2007 Sofa Super Store Fire have reached a $1.9 million settlement that brings to an end the Sofa Super Store fire litigation. The settlement was reached with the remaining defendants in the litigation, including Sofa Super Store, Inc.; Goldstein Family Limited Partnership; Herbert A. Goldstein, LLC and Furniture Retailers of Charleston, Inc.
According to Motley Rice lawyer Kevin Dean, who served as co-lead counsel representing several of the families, the families decided that reaching a settlement at this time was in their best interest.
Motley Rice announced the settlement with co-counsel Knight Law Firm; O'Neill & Phipps; The Richter Firm; The Solomon Law Group; and Woodley & McGillivary.
Read the full article on the Sofa Super Store settlement in The Post and Courier.
Learn more about how Motley Rice catastrophic injury lawyers represents victims and families who have experienced serious injury or death resulting from unsafe working conditions, defective or dangerous consumer products, unexpected or uncontrollable fires, roadway defects and other negligent acts.