Eighty Motley Rice employees stepped away from their desks and into the community for the Firm's annual volunteer program, ProjectGO!. The two days of service, April 18 and 25, 2012, gave employees the opportunity to provide a helping hand to Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC), the Charleston Animal Society, Elliotborough Park and Community Garden and Sandpiper Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.                

During day two of ProjectGO!, the firm received notice that its 2011 efforts had been honored with both the 2012 Communitas Award for Company Sponsored Volunteer Projects and a 2012 Hermes Creative Gold Award in the Community Relations category for the branding, design and promotion of the volunteer project.

"ProjectGO! is a rewarding way for Motley Rice employees to share their skills with the community. We are always thankful for the support we've received from the Lowcountry over the years and believe that it is our responsibility to give back as much as we are able. I do hope ProjectGO! inspires others to do what they can to make a difference in the community," shared Motley Rice co-founder Joe Rice.

Motley Rice strongly believes in its mission to go beyond the office and courtroom walls to better local and national communities. An overarching goal of ProjectGO! is to promote year-round employee volunteerism and foster new relationships with organizations in need. The firm has already begun to see the program's far-reaching impact as the vegetables harvested at Charleston Parks Conservancy's Elliotborough Park site were donated to Crisis Ministries and served for dinner that very week. Employees who met and spent time with Sandpiper resident Earl Glines were also inspired to spread the word about his skillfully-crafted handmade hammocks ($60) and drop nets ($15).

The firm's charitable giving committee has already started planning for ProjectGO! 2013. Visit our ProjectGo! page to learn more about the organizations we helped and how you or your not-for-profit can get involved.

The Communitas Awards

The Communitas Awards recognizes companies and organizations from around the world that are changing how they do business to better their communities and invest in the greater good. Seeking to recognize those that practice socially and environmentally conscious business practices, the Communitas Awards evaluates nominees based on the extent, effectiveness and creativity of their programs.

Hermes Creative Awards

The Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition that evaluates communications, advertising, public relations, graphic design, production and web technology. The Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (ACMP) judges projects based on their creative production, design and implementation of materials and projects, as well as how they contribute to public service and charitable organizations.

About Motley Rice LLC

Motley Rice is one of the nation's largest plaintiffs' litigation firms. Motley Rice attorneys have experience taking on complex civil cases against large corporate wrongdoers, including pioneering asbestos lawsuits, negotiating the tobacco master settlement agreement and continuing their lawsuit against terrorist financiers on behalf of 9/11 families. Since its founding, the firm has made investing in, supporting and giving back to the communities in which its employees work and live a priority. The firm is headquartered in Mt. Pleasant, S.C., and has additional offices in California; Connecticut; New York; Rhode Island; Washington, D.C.; and West Virginia. For more information, contact attorney Michael Elsner (NY, SC, VA) at 1.843.216.9250. Connect with Motley Rice on Facebook and Twitter.
