Cause of Hudson River mid-air collision investigated
A tour helicopter and small plane collided on August 8, 2009, killing a Pennsylvania family of three, the helicopter pilot and five Italian tourists. Following a lengthy investigation, a federal safety panel is now meeting to determine the cause of the accident.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) previously released a large portion of evidence collected during its investigation of the mid-air collision, but investigators have not provided conclusions regarding the direct cause. It is reported that this information may be made public soon. According to aviation attorney Mary Schiavo, who represents the families of the Italian tourists, her clients hope that the NTSB will recommend that aircraft entering the Hudson corridor be under the direction of air traffic controllers in the future to help avoid such tragedies.
Read more about the Hudson River crash investigation in an by The Associated Press.
Learn more about the Hudson River mid-air collision.
Learn about the Motley Rice aviation team, including Motley Rice aviation attorney Don Migliori and former Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation Mary Schiavo, who represent the families of the Italian tourists.