Motley Rice co-founder Joe Rice has been invited to attend two upcoming conferences hosted by Perrin Conferences to share his knowledge on relevant and emerging issues in the areas of asbestos bankruptcy and litigation.

Asbestos Bankruptcy Conference

On Monday, June 21, 2010, Rice will serve as a guest speaker at the Asbestos Bankruptcy Conference being held at The Peninsula Hotel in Chicago, IL. The event will feature a judicial roundtable on asbestos compensation and will cover topics that include:

  • asbestos bankruptcy in 2010
  • the management and operation of an asbestos bankruptcy trust
  • how to successfully file an asbestos bankruptcy trust claim
  • the continued impact of the General Motors and Chrysler bankruptcies
  • the interplay between bankruptcy trusts and traditional asbestos litigation.

Rice will be joining a panel for a session entitled "Trust Online: The Impact of Asbestos Bankruptcies on the Tort System," during which he will address such issues as the bankruptcy wave, legislation, new industries and companies and the controversy involving bankruptcy rules.

Asbestos Litigation Conference: A National Overview and Outlook

Rice, along with attorneys Perry Browder and John B. Manning, will also be co-chairing the annual Asbestos Litigation Conference from September 13, 2010 - September 15, 2010, in San Francisco, CA at the Four Seasons Hotel. This conference hosts more than 350 people, from plaintiffs' and defense attorneys to insurance carriers and in-house counsel, and will feature speakers from around the country and engaging panel discussions on new information in the field of asbestos litigation.

Read more about how Motley Rice asbestos attorneys represent asbestos victims and those affected by second-hand exposure to asbestos fibers. Contact one of our asbestos attorneys