On March 17, 2011, Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto assessed the potential risk posed by flights from Tokyo that activated radiation detectors in Chicago and Dallas airports.

The segment addressed the actual threat level of the recent airport radiation scares in the U.S. and what the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) protocol is for managing passenger safety when a contamination concern arises.

According to Motley Rice aviation lawyer and former Department of Transportation Inspector, Mary Schiavo, the TSA has the authority to quarantine both passengers and their luggage. "There probably will be some overreaction but for a situation like this you can't be too careful," said Schiavo.

She went onto say contaminated luggage and clothing pose the greatest risk to others, and the TSA can seize and decontaminate luggage if they suspect it has been exposed to radiation. The highest priority, however, is seeking medical attention for passengers who may be unaware they were exposed.

View the full interview on radiation contamination.

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