The WLCN show Port City posted its 9/11 Remembrance Special. As part of the two-episode series, reporter Margie Pizarro spoke with Motley Rice aviation lawyer and former Department of Transportation Inspector General Mary Schiavo about her perspective on aviation security prior to and following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Schiavo explained that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicted in the July 2001 federal register that terrorists were targeting a U.S. airline and would successfully bring down one plane. Schiavo also discussed the cost-analysis rule which ascribes a value to human life to determine if implementing new procedures or protocol is cost effective.

 "I know one thing for sure, it is safety and security that allow America to function as America," Schiavo said, noting that she makes a point to be patient with security and has no problem walking through body scanners if it means that she and other passengers can travel safely.  

See full 9/11 Remembrance Special by visiting the WLCN website and scrolling through the list of local shows for the Port City 9-16-2011.

Read more about how Motley Rice aviation lawyers work to protect passengers and the safety and security of the traveling public.