Dr. Sugarbaker receives award from Mesothelioma Foundation

It is important for us to always take time to recognize and thank outstanding individuals who commit their lives to helping others. Dr. David J. Sugarbaker, M.D., Chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, is one of those individuals. On July 12, 2012, the Mesothelioma Foundation presented Dr. Sugarbaker with the Pioneer Award at the Celebration of Hope Reception in Washington, D.C., to honor his lifetime of work in mesothelioma research and treatment development.

Motivated by his patients and inspired by his father, who was also a surgeon seeking medical improvements for his cancer patients, Dr. Sugarbaker has played a major role in improving treatments for mesothelioma victims. In 2002, Dr. Sugarbaker founded the acclaimed International Mesothelioma Program (IMP), which includes a clinical program, a research program and a support program for those suffering because of this deadly asbestos-related disease.

Affecting more than 2,000 Americans each year, mesothelioma is a serious cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelial cells lining the lungs and outer surface of numerous internal organs, as well as the chest, abdominal and chest cavities.

The Meso Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides legal, financial and medical support to mesothelioma victims and invests resources in global research projects with a mission to find a mesothelioma cure. The Foundation's annual symposium is a two-day conference for everyone in the meso community, including patients, medical experts, researchers and advocates. Motley Rice supported the Meso Foundation as a "2012 Legal Partner for a Cure for Mesothelioma."

Learn more about how Motley Rice asbestos lawyers represent asbestos victims and fight for compensation and accountability on their behalf against companies that manufactured, distributed or supplied asbestos-containing products.