TSA Fires Five: Agents disciplined after failing to perform screenings
Earlier this week, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) fired five and suspended 38 employees after an investigation found they had failed to execute random screenings last year at the Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers, Fla.
A combination of screeners and supervisors, the 43 disciplined employees make up approximately 15 percent of the TSA's estimated 280 employee workforce at that airport. Based on reports, this is one of the greatest disciplinary actions executed by the TSA during its ten-year history.
"We were just fortunate among the travelers on those particular days that there weren't terrorists," said Motley Rice aviation attorney and former Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Transportation Mary Schiavo in an interview with WBBH NBC 2 News.
Read full article on the five fired TSA workers in the NY Daily News.
Read about Motley Rice's aviation lawyers and how they work to protect passenger rights and fight on behalf of victims' family members and injured crash survivors.