by: Vincent L. Greene IV
If not for the actions of so many companies and asbestos-related industries, the issue of asbestos exposure, let alone an aggressive mesothelioma diagnosis, likely would never have been a thought for this family. However, there are researches, scientists, doctors and even patients who are working every day to bring change to the outcome of a mesothelioma diagnosis.
by: T. David Hoyle
From electing to attend summer camps to planning beach days and boat outings, summer activities can provide some welcome relief from the everyday routine, but they can also come with their fair share of safety concerns.
by: Carmen S. Scott
Search engine queries may help regulators identify unknown side effects of medication.
by: Mary F. Schiavo
Despite this danger to flights and the persons on the ground over whom they fly, apparently some people still think it’s “fun” to point powerful laser beams at airplanes. From shooting lights into cockpits from the top of skyscrapers to creating a flashbulb-like effect on the cockpit glass of police helicopters, to the more recent rash of close to three dozen flights over New Jersey and New York reporting lasers attacks on their planes, it looks to me like more than just “monkey see, monkey do” is taking place.
by: Jodi Westbrook Flowers
Blame that otherwise should have been shouldered by GM for not admitting and recalling this defect early on—or at the very least, informing the public of the defect—was instead refocused on an already overburdened and understaffed regulatory agency.
by: Joseph F. Rice
Today, BP disclosed to its investors that it recommends a $18.7 billion settlement to resolve the claims by the United States, the five Gulf Coast states, and local governments that filed suits against the oil company as a result of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon tragedy. Could BP finally be realizing that 2015 may be the year in which it must accept the responsibility for the damages it owes the Gulf Coast area due to the 2010 oil spill and its aftermath?
by: William S. Norton
Despite the anticipatory lull in case filings just prior to the 2014 Supreme Court decision on Halliburton Co. v. Erica P. John Fund, securities fraud class action litigation continues to play an active and growing role in protecting the integrity of the capital markets. This trend is likely to continue.
by: Joseph F. Rice
By now you may have already seen a press release by Garlock Sealing Technologies LLC and The Anchor Packing Company about a “settlement” of their bankruptcy involving asbestos claims, or TV advertisements about their plan of reorganization for resolving the bankruptcy.
by: John A. Baden IV
In just a few days, your chance of recovering any economic losses due to the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill drops to ZERO. This is it – the final claims deadline for BP’s Economic and Property Damages Settlement. After June 8, 2015, no more claims will be accepted.
by: Carmen S. Scott
With such immediate and resounding consequences, you’d think that medical devices would be scrutinized more than just about any manufactured product; subjected to test after test before being released for use in and on the public. But that’s just not the case.