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Ozempic Vomiting
Ozempic side effects vary in severity. They can also continue after a patient stops taking the drug. One side effect that may affect patients even after stopping Ozempic is vomiting.
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Ozempic® was originally approved to treat Type 2 diabetes, but many healthcare providers have prescribed it for off-label use for weight loss. Hundreds of patients have reported experiencing severe side effects, including Ozempic vomiting. Vomiting on Ozempic may also be a sign of a more serious condition.
Ozempic overview
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved Ozempic in 2017 to treat Type 2 diabetes. Ozempic mimics natural hormones to:
- Slow digestion time
- Stimulate insulin production
- Tell the brain you’re full
As of early 2024, the FDA had not approved Ozempic to treat weight loss.
Ozempic works by producing the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 stimulates intestinal cells to release more insulin at mealtime. Insulin helps balance blood glucose levels, which can moderate appetite and help patients feel full sooner.
Ozempic’s appetite regulation led many healthcare providers to prescribe it to promote weight loss. Its active ingredient is semaglutide, which is a GLP-1 receptor agonist. Receptor agonists mimic the body’s natural GLP-1 hormones.
Three semaglutide products are FDA-approved:
- Ozempic injections
- Rybelsus® tablets
- Wegovy® injections
Of these, only Wegovy has been approved for weight loss by the FDA. But according to reports, only around 50% of all Ozempic prescriptions are for diabetic patients. This means a considerable number of patients are using Ozempic for off-label purposes, including weight loss. The increase in demand for Ozempic as a weight-loss aid has led to nationwide shortages of the drug.
In addition, a large number of patients are being prescribed Ozempic without having a traditional medical visit. These patients often receive off-brand versions of Ozempic from compounding pharmacies and med spas. These versions of the drug are unregulated.
Ozempic’s warning label names common side effects, such as nausea, constipation, vomiting, gallbladder issues, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and pancreatitis. But numerous patients have reported other, more severe health problems that were not disclosed on the warning label like blood clots.
Ozempic side effects vary in severity. They can also continue after a patient stops taking the drug. One side effect that may affect patients even after stopping Ozempic is vomiting.
Can Ozempic cause vomiting?
Yes, Ozempic can cause vomiting. Vomiting is one of the most commonly reported side effects in patients taking Ozempic. Vomiting on Ozempic was reported in 5 – 9% of patients in clinical trials. Vomiting was more common when patients received higher doses of Ozempic. Vomiting may increase as doctors increase dosage amounts, typically once weekly after the first month.
Some patients may find their symptoms resolve without treatment. But others may need to seek help to resolve these side effects. If you are struggling with vomiting, you may wish to consult your physician about ways to manage your side effects.
Vomiting may also occur with other similar side effects, such as nausea. Nausea was the most commonly reported side effect of Ozempic in clinical trials. As much as 20% of people taking Ozempic for Type 2 diabetes reported nausea during clinical trials. The greater the dose, the more patients reported this side effect.
For this reason, healthcare providers may choose to raise the dosage slowly over 1-3 months to allow the body to acclimate to the medication. This may help manage side effect escalation. You may be able to work with your doctor to reduce the symptoms of Ozempic use, but if you notice extreme abdominal pain or any off-label symptoms, seek medical attention.
How long does Ozempic vomiting last?
Many users report common mild symptoms clearing up within a couple of weeks. Some of the most common Ozempic side effects are vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and stomach pain. Other patients report continued side effects and extreme vomiting with continued use of the drug.
As the body adjusts to the drug, vomiting symptoms may resolve. However, with dose escalation, increased vomiting and other side effects have been reported. Patients with dosages of 1 – 2 mg of Ozempic often report more severe, frequent and prolonged vomiting. For this reason, your healthcare provider may suggest increasing your dose slowly or waiting until your body is able to tolerate the drug better.
If you find that your Ozempic side effects are making it difficult to live your life normally, you should consult your doctor.
How serious is vomiting on Ozempic?
Vomiting on Ozempic may be a sign of a more threatening medical condition, such as severe gastrointestinal issues. Ozempic use may be linked to many side effects that were not included on the label. A review of over 5,000 patient health insurance claims from 2006 to 2020 found significant risks.
All patients in the study had official diabetes diagnoses. Patients taking semaglutide had a higher risk of gastroparesis, pancreatitis and bowel obstruction. These conditions can be difficult to treat. All conditions can severely impact a patient’s quality of life.
Vomiting and severe on-label Ozempic side effects
Vomiting is one of the most common warning signs that you may be experiencing one or more major medical conditions as described on the Ozempic warning label. These could include:
- Acute kidney injury: An acute kidney injury (AKI) refers to the rapid decline in the function of your kidneys. Also referred to as acute renal failure or kidney failure, symptoms of AKI could include confusion, weakness, lack of urinary output, breathlessness, swelling in the ankles and feet, nausea and chest pain.
- Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas is known as pancreatitis. It an impact how the pancreas functions and cause swelling, pain, rapid pulse, fever, tenderness in the belly, nausea, weight loss and pain that worsens after eating.
Ozempic and vomiting can be a dangerous combination. These are just a few of the most common on-label Ozempic side effects that may cause vomiting. If you are considering beginning a GLP-1 drug, speak with your doctor about these serious Ozempic risks.
Vomiting and serious off-label Ozempic side effects
Vomiting may also be an indicator of conditions not listed on Ozempic’s approval and warning label. The off-label side effects are often a significant cause for concern. If you are experiencing vomiting that coincides with your semaglutide prescription, you may be at risk of unwarned medical conditions. Some of the most frequently reported off-label Ozempic side effects include:
- Gastroenteritis: Gastroenteritis refers to the inflammation of the small and large intestines and the lining of the stomach. It may be caused by certain types of prescription medications, like Ozempic or Wegovy, or by viral infections. Some of the most commonly reported symptoms of gastroenteritis include stomach cramping, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever, muscle aches or headaches as the inflammation continues to attack your intestines and stomach.
- Gastroparesis: Gastroparesis can be a severe condition. It impacts the ability of your stomach muscles to move food through your digestive tract. With gastroparesis, these once-strong muscles either do not work or are slowed down, which can prevent your stomach from emptying as it should. Slow gastric emptying can cause debilitating symptoms, including abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, nutrition problems, digestion issues and decreased blood sugar levels (which may lead to hypoglycemia).
- Intestinal blockages: Intestinal obstructions prevent liquid or food from passing through your small or large intestines. The intestines are responsible for absorbing the nutrients you consume from food. Anything that is not absorbed should continue through the digestive tract and be eliminated through a bowel movement. Intestinal obstructions prevent these actions and require immediate medical attention. Some of the top symptoms associated with intestinal blockages include extreme abdominal pain, vomiting, indigestion, swelling in the abdomen, cramping and constipation.
Ozempic does not include these potential complications on its warning label. As a result, people who have developed these conditions have filed Ozempic side effects lawsuits. The plaintiff lawsuits allege that Ozempic manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, failed to appropriately warn patients of these risks.
Contact an Ozempic attorney
Have you been harmed by a semaglutide drug? Motley Rice attorneys are reviewing claims regarding Ozempic and Wegovy risks.
Complete this webform or call 1.800.768.4026 to contact attorneys Sara Couch and Jonathan Orent for more information or to discuss a potential Ozempic claim.
Ozempic lawsuits
Patients have filed GLP-1 weight-loss drug lawsuits involving Ozempic and similar medications. Medications in these lawsuits include:
- Ozempic by Novo Nordisk
- Mounjaro by Eli Lilly
- Rybelsus by Novo Nordisk
- Trulicity by Eli Lilly
- Wegovy by Novo Nordisk
These lawsuits are collected in a multidistrict litigation (MDL) docket. U.S. District Judge Gene Pratter is the presiding judge. MDLs consolidate similar lawsuits together for pretrial matters. However, all MDL lawsuits are still decided individually.
These lawsuits are all “failure to warn” cases. They allege that Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly did not do enough to warn patients of potential risks, including gastroparesis and intestinal blockages. The lawsuits allege that these omissions made it impossible for patients to make educated and informed decisions about starting or continuing to take Ozempic, or other GLP-1 drugs.
Not only do the MDL lawsuits allege that Novo Nordisk failed to include accurate warning labels on Ozempic prescriptions, but also that the manufacturer allegedly actively downplayed the risk of gastroparesis, which can become a permanent condition and alter a patient's life forever.
If you are currently taking Ozempic and dealing with side effects or symptoms that were not described on the warning label, you may have grounds for legal action. A Motley Rice attorney can review your case and help you determine if you are eligible for litigation. Please consult with your doctor first, before stopping or changing any medication.
Our medical drug litigation experience
Our medical drug attorneys have experience representing patients who have suffered negative, life-changing side effects and even death when taking various medications. Your knowledge of your medication may be limited, but our lawyers have experience doing the groundwork to determine if you have grounds for a claim. Ozempic lawyers can help:
- Identify potential issues with your Ozempic claim
- Investigate if semaglutide is responsible for causing your symptoms
- Investigate whether Novo Nordisk failed to comply with FDA regulations
- Explain how Novo Nordisk failed to warn you of extreme side effects
- Discuss the ways your life has been affected by your use of Ozempic or semaglutide
- File and litigate cases for eligible patients or their personal representative.
Read more on our medical drug litigation experience.
Do not stop taking a prescribed medication without first consulting with your doctor. Discontinuing a prescribed medication without your doctor's advice can result in injury or death. Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus, Trulicity and Mounjaro remain approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
- Sources
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- DailyMed. Label: Ozempic- semaglutide injection, solution.
- FDA. Medications Containing Semaglutide Marketed for Type 2 Diabetes or Weight Loss.
- GoodRx Health. 19 Side Effects of Semaglutide for Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss.
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- Mayo Clinic. Pancreatitis.
- Merck Manual. Drug-Related Gastroenteritis and Chemical-Related Gastroenteritis.
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- The Washington Post. Prescriptions for Ozempic and similar drugs have skyrocketed, data shows.
- UC Davis Health. Ozempic for weight loss: Does it work, and what do experts recommend?
- UCLA Health. Semaglutide for weight loss - what you need to know.
- United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. MDL Statistics Report - Distribution of Pending MDL Dockets by Actions Pending.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration. HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION: OZEMPIC (semaglutide) injection, for subcutaneous use.