Asbestos Bankruptcy Conference hosting Motley Rice attorney Joe Rice as speaker highlights Chapter 11 cases

At the Asbestos Bankruptcy Conference held in Chicago, IL on Monday, June 21, 2010, Motley Rice attorney Joe Rice joined other attorneys to speak about issues involving everything from asbestos bankruptcy trust claims to asbestos bankruptcies and the tort system. Following the recent Chapter 11 filings of asbestos targets Garlock Sealing Technologies and Bondex International, the conference also focused on the controvery regarding how corporations are using Chapter 11 to seek refuge from lawsuits.

Learn details about Joe Rice's upcoming appearance as co-chair of the Asbestos Litigation Conference being held September 13, 2010 - September 15, 2010, in San Francisco, CA at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Read more about how Motley Rice asbestos attorneys represent asbestos victims and those affected by second-hand exposure to asbestos fibers.