Assisted Living Neglect: Director of local facility arrested in police raid of group home

Police arrested Fair Havens Manor Director Andrea Magwood yesterday for allegedly neglecting residents. Fair Havens Manor is an assisted living facility for the elderly and disabled that is located on Cosgrove Avenue in North Charleston, S.C.

Magwood, who has operated the assisted living facility for more than 30 years, is accused of neglect that resulted in bodily harm to residents. She was arrested in connection to an event that allegedly occurred on April 5, 2012. According to a report by The Post and Courier, residents were evacuated from the home and evaluated by medical personnel.

Magwood was arrested in 2004 for similar charges at the same facility, which at that time was Genesis Community Center. More than 16,000 South Carolinians are residents of assisted living homes, and the increase in abuse and neglect against the elderly is an increasing concern. Abuse and neglect of this vulnerable population can take many forms, and the federal and state regulations that exist to protect them sometimes fail.

Read the full article on the Fair Havens Manor raid featured by WCSC Live 5 News.

Read more about how Motley Rice nursing home attorneys fight on behalf of nursing home and assisted living abuse and neglect victims and their families.