People living along the Gulf coast who have suffered losses as a result of the BP oil spill are expressing increasing amounts of frustration regarding the $20 billion BP compensation fund that the federal government established to help pay the estimated 50,000 oil spill claims that have arisen since the April 2010 disaster. Kenneth Feinberg, who has handled similar compensation funds, including the federal fund created for families of victims in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, is in charge of handling the BP compensation fund and is facing criticism from those who believe that the claims may not be handled fairly and that paid claims may not account for the full extent of economic loss.

Motley Rice attorney Don Migliori, who represents both families of 9/11 victims and individuals suffering from the oil spill,said in regards to Feinberg and the compensation fund, "The special master is really there to get claims paid for as little as possible as quickly as possible so that that liability goes away...The reason why people keep coming back to him is because he's able to use the media in a way to get people to come into his system, but in the end his system is designed to get relief for the wrongdoer. That was true in 9/11 and it's true here in BP."

Listen to a broadcast on NPR discussing Feinberg and the compensation fund.

Read more about the BP oil spill and how Motley Rice oil spill lawyers are fighting on behalf of individuals and businesses suffering as a result of the spill damage.