On Thursday, June 24, 2010, Motley Rice co-founder and trial lawyer Ron Motley will serve as a guest speaker at the Oil in the Gulf: Litigation and Insurance Coverage Conference being held Thursday, June 24 and Friday, June 25, 2010, at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta, GA. HB Litigation Conferences is holding this event, which will cover numerous issues related to the BP oil spill including:
- Business interruption
- Calculating damages
- Economic loss
- Environmental damage
- Personal injury oil spill lawsuits
- Property damage lawsuits
- Unique state laws
The keynote address at this conference will be given by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Motley will be speaking on "Who Knew What and When and the Extent of Damage Today," a discussion comparing the BP oil spill to 1989's Exxon Valdez oil spill and the punitive damages that arose from that disaster. Among the talking points on the agenda are damage and clean-up time, legal claims and damage potential and the potential influence of the Supreme Court's rulings on the Valdez oil spill.