Jan. 11, 2013 Update

Burn Pit Update: President Obama Signs Registry Bill into Law

The House of Representatives approved the Burn Pit Open Registry Act as part of measure, S. 3202, the "Dignified Burial and Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2012," and, on Jan. 10, 2013, President Obama signed into law the Burn Pit Open Registry Act.

Dec. 31, 2012 Update

On Dec. 20, 2012, the Burn Pit Open Registry Act unanimously passed in the Senate as part of the measure, S. 3202, the "Dignified Burial and Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2012." Senators Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) sponsored the legislation. They hope the registry will help the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) learn more about burn pit exposure by documenting the service members and veterans who were exposed to toxic chemicals and fumes from open-air burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, the Senators anticipate the registry will improve the VA's ability to communicate with veterans, including about any related benefits they may be eligible for.

If approved by the House of Representatives, the registry will include information that the Secretary of the VA determines is applicable to the possible health effects of this exposure, create a public information campaign and send updates to members of the registry about significant developments associated with burn pit exposure.

Burn pits are open-air landfills used to burn military waste, and some veterans who were exposed to the smoke from the burn pits are developing serious, chronic illnesses, which they allege their exposure to the burn pits caused.

Learn more about the Udall-Corker Burn Pit Registry.

Motley Rice attorneys are working with co-counsel Susan Burke of Burke PLLC in the KBR, Inc., Burn Pit multidistrict litigation (MDL) representing clients against multiple defense contractors for allegedly exposing American soldiers and former employees of defense contractors to toxic smoke, ash, and fumes generated by disposing of waste in open-air burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you, a family member or friend may have experienced illness, injuries or death as a result of burn pit exposure, contact Motley Rice attorney James Ledlie by email or call 1.800.768.4026 or Burke PLLC attorney Susan Burke by email or call 202.386.9622 .