Motley Rice filed putative class actions against BP, Transocean, Halliburton and numerous other defendants in connection with the BP oil spill that began in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday, April 20, 2010. The putative class action oil spill lawsuits were filed on Thursday, June 3, 2010, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida and allege that the oil spill caused putative class members, many located in Key West, Florida, to suffer serious financial losses. Attorneys at Motley Rice filed these oil spill lawsuits on behalf of several individuals, businesses and putative class members such as:
- Bars, restaurant, package store, and nightclub owners and/or operators in Florida's coastal counties. See complaint.
- Property owners and landlords who own and rent or lease properties in Florida's coastal communities. See complaint.
- "For hire" game, sport fishing, recreational boating charters and related service industries in Florida who have sustained damages. See complaint.
The oil spill lawsuit plaintiffs allege serious revenue losses because of the damage caused by the oil spill. Through the suits, Floridians seek to hold accountable the parties responsible for the oil spill and the disaster's consequent effect on the economy.