Holiday air travel security discussed on Fox by aviation lawyer

The Motley Rice aviation team has been speaking with media across the country this week as one of the year's busiest travel days approaches. Aviation lawyer Don Migliori spoke to Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade this morning and says the full body scanners and palm and finger pat-downs are vitally necessary.

"What happened on 9/11 was absolutely avoidable, and what happened on 9/11 was carried out by things that should not have been on planes. Those items would have been detected with this technology."

Migliori is on the litigation team representing the family of Mark Bavis who was killed September 11, 2001 on United Airlines Flight 175. That case was recently granted a June 2011 trial date in New York City. He says while scanners and pat downs don't catch everything, airport checkpoints are the last line of defense and find the weapons most often used in hijackings.

"The issue is trying to do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen again. Fourteen weapons were recovered on site in Shanksville, Penn. on 9/11. We have to make sure that things that are used on common, every day hijackings are avoided."

Read more about TSA's new security measures and what travelers should know.

Read about how Motley Rice aviation attorneys work to protect the safety of the traveling public.