Motley Rice announces the addition of two associate attorneys. Attorneys Brian Frutig and Mathew P. Jasinski bring varied backgrounds and versatile experience to the firm's work on behalf of investors, consumers and victims of human rights abuses and terrorist attacks.
"We are proud to welcome Brian and Mat at a time when attention towards both human rights violations and securities fraud is steadily increasing," said Motley Rice member Bill Narwold. "Their diverse educational and work backgrounds and commitment to the firm's guiding principles will significantly impact the growth of Motley Rice and our pursuit of justice for our clients."
Prior to joining Motley Rice, Frutig served as a legal assistant at the Association of Defense Counsel practicing at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. His experience, in combination with a graduate degree in international conflict analysis, makes him a significant addition to the firm's Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights practice group. As a member of this team, Frutig litigates cases involving anti-terror and humanitarian law and is currently working on Motley Rice's groundbreaking litigation against al Qaeda financiers on behalf of the survivors and family members of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Frutig also supports the Motley Rice Securities and Consumer Fraud practice group with a broad background in complex corporate planning and strategy programs gained from previous work for international sales and marketing firm MarketBridge Corporation in both Maryland and London, England. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University, Master of Arts from King's College London of the University of London and a Juris Doctor from William and Mary School of Law. He is licensed in New York.
Jasinski began his legal career as a law clerk for Connecticut Supreme Court Justice David M. Borden before practicing complex business and commercial litigation with a large defense firm. He brings a range of litigation experience to Motley Rice's Securities and Consumer Fraud practice group that includes work on contract disputes, including a high-stakes, multi-forum case involving claims of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Jasinski also serves as a member of the firm's appellate group.
Jasinski resides in Hartford, CT, and is actively involved in the community. He is a member of the board of directors for the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and serves on the city's Charter Revision Commission and Young Professionals Task Force. Jasinski received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and a Juris Doctor from the University of Connecticut School of Law. He is licensed in Connecticut and New York.
About Motley Rice LLC
Motley Rice LLC is one of the nation's largest plaintiffs' litigation firms. Motley Rice attorneys gained recognition for their work on behalf of asbestos victims, the State Attorneys General in their landmark litigation against Big Tobacco, and the 9/11 families in their groundbreaking lawsuit against terrorist financiers. With more than 60 attorneys and hundreds of staff, the firm continues to handle complex litigation, including cases in the areas of securities and consumer fraud, shareholder rights, aviation disasters, catastrophic injury, asbestos bankruptcy, occupational disease, environmental hazards and contamination, human rights, medical negligence, pharmaceuticals and device defects. For more information about Motley Rice LLC, contact Securities and Consumer Fraud practice group leader, William H. Narwold, or Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights practice group leader, Jodi Flowers at +1 800.768.4026.