Motley Rice member and securities lawyer Don Migliori will serve as a guest speaker at the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) Annual Conference being held May 6 - May 10, 2012, at the Hilton New York. Securities lawyers Marlon Kimpson and Badge Humphries will also be attending.

Migliori will co-present with Stanley Bernstein of Bernstein Liebhard LLP at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 9. His speech, "Using the Courts for Your Fund's Torts," will address the following issues from the perspective of a civil litigator:

  • Understanding the 7th amendment and how it protects pension fund assets
  • Vital factors for public fund decision makers to consider when evaluating a candidate
  • Examples of the justice system's positive impact on our country's public employee retirement system

Learn more about the NCPERS Annual Conference, including its speakers, agenda and how to register.

Find out more about how Motley Rice attorneys work to protect the interests of public pension funds through securities litigation.