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Camp Lejeune Myelodysplastic Syndrome Lawsuit
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Government studies estimate that the water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune contained toxins from August 1, 1953, to December 31, 1987. Veterans, their loved ones and workers may have been exposed, causing them to develop serious conditions and cancers like myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). People who develop MDS may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune myelodysplastic syndrome lawsuit.
Why are people filing Camp Lejeune myelodysplastic syndrome lawsuits?
The toxic water at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune exposed thousands of veterans, their families and workers to dangerous chemicals. Studies estimate these chemicals were in the base’s water supply from August 1, 1953, to December 31, 1987. People exposed during that time are filing lawsuits to gain compensation for their injuries. Many health effects have been linked to the Camp Lejeune water contamination, including several cancers.
Myelodysplastic syndrome is one of the conditions linked to Camp Lejeune’s water. There are several types of MDS, which is a rare blood cancer affecting the bone marrow. MDS has been linked to certain toxic chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
The VOCs discovered in Camp Lejeune’s water are:
- 1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE)
- Benzene
- Perchloroethylene / tetrachloroethylene (PCE)
- Trichloroethylene (TCE)
- Vinyl chloride
In addition to MDS, these chemicals have been linked to multiple Camp Lejeune cancers and other health conditions, such as:
- Aplastic anemia
- Bladder cancer
- Cardiac birth defects
- Kidney cancer
- Leukemia
- Liver cancer
- Multiple myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Other kidney and end stage renal diseases
- Parkinson's disease
- Systemic scleroderma
- Systemic sclerosis
- Certain other diseases/conditions
People who develop these conditions may be able to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit. When considering if you wish to pursue a claim or lawsuit, look for reputable lawyers with a proven track record of military and toxic exposure lawsuits. Be careful of offers that seem too good to be true or people who contact you unprompted to avoid a Camp Lejeune scam.
How to file a Camp Lejeune MDS lawsuit
Many veterans, their family members, and other on-base workers were exposed to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water. In August 2022, the Honoring Our PACT Act was signed into law. The PACT Act included the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (CLJA). This Act opened a 2-year window for people impacted by the base’s contaminated water to file a claim.
You may be eligible to file if you developed a condition linked to the toxic water after being present on base for at least 30 days between August 1953 and December 1987. Our Camp Lejeune lawyers can help guide you and your family through the process and see your claim to its resolution.
If you are eligible, the first step is to file an administrative claim with the Department of the Navy (DON). This preliminary step is required under the CLJA. The deadline to file a claim is August 9, 2024. After that point, CLJA claims will be forever barred.
You are then eligible to sue if the DON denies the claim or if it fails to make final disposition of the claim within six months. You may also choose to accept the new elective payout option if you qualify and the DON offers it to you. However, the elective option settlement may be insufficient to cover all expenses incurred by you or your family.
Contact a toxic exposure attorney
If you or a loved one served, worked or lived at Camp Lejeune between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987 and developed severe health complications linked to toxic water, a knowledgeable toxic exposure attorney can help you weigh your options for seeking compensation. We are available by email or you can call 866.855.9017 for more information.
Evidence linking Camp Lejeune to myelodysplastic syndrome
Myelodysplastic syndrome is a rare type of blood cell cancer caused by issues with a person’s bone marrow. Bone marrow is the spongy core inside of our bones that is responsible for making our blood cells. When something is wrong with the bone marrow, blood cells die before they enter the bloodstream or shortly after. This results in low blood cell and platelet counts, which can lead to other conditions, such as:
- Anemia: Low red blood cell count
- Leukopenia: Low white blood cell count
- Thrombocytopenia: Low blood platelet count
Some studies have linked the contaminants in Camp Lejeune’s water to MDS. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) assessed the evidence linking these toxins to various Camp Lejeune illnesses. It links TCE specifically to MDS.
An international analysis studied the relationship between benzene and various lymphohematopoietic cancers in petroleum workers, including MDS. The researchers found that even low-dose exposure to benzene resulted in a higher risk of MDS. The Mayo Clinic also lists benzene exposure as a risk factor for MDS.
Symptoms of myelodysplastic syndrome
Symptoms and signs that may indicate myelodysplastic syndrome include:
- Easy or unusual bleeding
- Easy or unusual bruising
- Fatigue
- Frequent infections
- Pinpoint-sized red spots just beneath the skin (petechiae)
- Shortness of breath
- Unusual paleness (pallor)
If you or a loved one exhibits any of these symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible. If you are diagnosed with MDS and served, lived, or worked at Camp Lejeune during the contamination window, you may be eligible to file a claim. Contact a reputable toxic exposure attorney to learn more about your options.
Our history representing veterans
Our lawyers at Motley Rice are committed to justice for veterans and their families. We have represented veterans in a range of claims, including:
- Exposure to asbestos and other toxic materials
- 3M earplugs and hearing loss
- EFP roadside bombs manufactured by terrorists
- Exposure to toxins released from burn pits at military facilities
We are here to help you. Contact us by email, phone or website form to learn more about your options regarding a Camp Lejeune MDS lawsuit.