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Anorexia and Social Media

Anorexia and Social Media

Anorexia and social media use may be linked. Explore the association and what parents can do for teens.

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While a majority of young people use social media, many parents are concerned about the serious, long-term impacts it may have on their children. One potentially life-threatening condition that may be caused by social media use is anorexia. Below, we explore the links between anorexia and social media.

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What is anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that may cause a person to go to extreme measures to limit their food intake. It is often simply called “anorexia” though that term can also apply to loss of appetite due to other health conditions too. People with anorexia often avoid eating some or all foods and may be very afraid of gaining weight.

Anorexia is a mental health condition and should be taken very seriously. Anorexia can be classified as a form of self-harm. 

Individuals suffering from anorexia may: 

  • Compulsively exercise
  • Have a poor self-image or low self-esteem
  • Have or develop body image issues 
  • Only allow themselves to have a certain, often harmfully low, number of calories per day
  • Purge food through vomiting or use of laxatives
  • Restrict what foods they allow themselves to eat

Because of anorexia, people may experience substantial weight loss. While this may be the desired outcome for the person with anorexia, it can lead to very serious health problems, including malnourishment. They may also develop other life-threatening health conditions if the condition is left untreated. 

Risks of anorexia

Anorexia is one of the deadliest mental health conditions. According to the Cleveland Clinic, if a person remains untreated for anorexia, they are five times more likely to have a premature death and nearly 20 times more likely to die by suicide

Additionally, people with anorexia are more likely to struggle with other mental health conditions, such as: 

These mental health conditions may lead to suicidal thoughts or behaviors if left untreated. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviors, know that free, confidential support is available 24/7 through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you dial 988.

Visit the Lifeline online at

Are social media and anorexia linked for young people?

According to some scientific studies, use of social media may be linked to anorexia in children and teens. Studies suggest that young people using platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and YouTube may be at particular risk of developing anorexia.

One review of 50 studies over 17 countries found a link between social media usage and disordered eating, including anorexia. The review found evidence suggesting that platforms that emphasize appearances could improve the likelihood of developing the disorders. The platforms labeled as “appearance focused social media” include Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and YouTube. 

One of the studies covered in the review discusses the impact of social media on the development of eating disorders in Australian adolescents. Appearance-related social media platforms were found to be linked with increased risk of having anorexia symptoms. 

Learn more about the link between eating disorders and social media here.

What people are doing about social media harms like anorexia

Many parents and young adults impacted by social media harms like anorexia have filed personal injury lawsuits against the following companies: 

  • ByteDance (TikTok)
  • Google (YouTube)
  • Meta (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Snap, Inc. (Snapchat)

The lawsuits allege that these companies designed their products to maximize engagement. They allege these apps manipulate human psychology in ways that are particularly damaging to young people. As a result of these features, young people have developed social media addictions. Harmful effects of social media addiction can include anorexia, other eating disorders and other mental health issues.

People who have developed mental health issues or have had one worsen because of social media use may want to speak with a lawyer to discuss their options for pursuing a lawsuit to seek compensation for damages and or pain and suffering.

Contact a social media mental health attorney

Motley Rice is reviewing allegations that multiple social media platforms intentionally and deliberately designed their social media apps without regard for the safety of children’s mental health.

Our thoughts go out to those affected by suicide, self-harm and eating disorders worsened by social media. 

Call attorney Jodi Westbrook Flowers at 1.800.768.4026 or complete this form to explore your options.

What parents can do about anorexia nervosa and social media

Speak with your doctor immediately if you feel your child may have developed anorexia nervosa or a subcategory of the disorder from social media use. Treatment is available for the condition and can be successful at restoring healthy eating habits.

Take changes in eating habits seriously. Eating disorders like anorexia are categorized as a form of self-harm. Left untreated, they can have long term repercussions. Body positivity is not enough to resolve an eating disorder. Eating disorder recovery can help though.

Parental support can be invaluable for teens who have suffered from anorexia, as there is a high risk of relapse for people recovering from anorexia. Building a support system for your child, including you, trusted doctors and mental professionals, and other positive influences can help your child in the long run.

Your doctor’s evaluation may also be helpful information if you decide a social media harm lawsuit is the right choice for your family.

Frequently asked questions about social media and anorexia

How does social media affect diet?

Studies have linked social media to eating disorders, including anorexia. A person with anorexia often restricts their diet to small amounts of food. They may also make dietary choices that reduce their caloric intake.

Research into the exact relationship between social media and anorexia is still ongoing. Currently, it seems that young people may become addicted to social media apps like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and YouTube. Their young brains latch onto the dopamine rush associated with social media and come to crave that attention and validation.

Social media addiction can have many negative outcomes for young people, including eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.

How might social media influence body image and eating disorders?

Social media can have a negative impact on mental health and self-image, especially for young people. Studies have shown that the more time a person spends on social media, the more likely they are to develop mental health issues. 

Body image concerns, disordered eating behaviors and obsession with body size may all contribute to social media related eating disorders.

What are warning signs of anorexia?

It can be difficult to know if your child has an eating disorder, as they may try to hide it. It can also be difficult to come to terms with an eating disorder you may have. Here are a few signs and symptoms of anorexia:

  • An overwhelming fear of gaining weight
  • Avoiding eating with others
  • Believing you are “fat” despite having a healthy weight
  • Eating very little or avoiding eating any foods you see as “fattening”
  • Exercising excessively (multiple times a day or for many hours a day)
  • Lying about what and when you've eaten
  • Lying about your weight
  • Missing meals
  • Strict rituals around eating
  • Taking medicines to reduce your hunger or increase how often you go to the bathroom
  • Thinking about food a lot
  • Trouble acknowledging your condition
  • Wearing baggy clothes to hide your body shape
  • Weighing yourself frequently

Our experience helping families stand against tech companies

Motley Rice attorneys have worked for decades fighting for families and children. Our lawyers have experience representing people suing tech companies over harm they’ve suffered. 

You may be eligible to file a lawsuit for social media harm if you (as a minor) or your child:

  • Attempted or died by suicide
  • Received treatment for self-harm including but not limited to cutting
  • Received a diagnosis of a mental health disorder, including but not limited to an eating disorder, from a healthcare provider

If you believe these conditions were caused or worsened by social media and you need help filing a lawsuit for social media harm, please contact us. Your well-being is important to our team.

Read more about filing a social media lawsuit.

What is anorexia?

Are social media and anorexia linked for young people?

Contact a social media mental health attorney

What parents can do about anorexia nervosa and social media

Frequently asked questions about social media and anorexia

Our experience helping families stand against tech companies

About the Authors

  1. Cleveland Clinic. Anorexia Nervosa.
  2. Dane A, Bhatia K. The social media diet: A scoping review to investigate the association between social media, body image and eating disorders amongst young people. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023 Mar 22;3(3):e0001091.
  3. Lonergan AR, Bussey K, Fardouly J, Griffiths S, Murray SB, Hay P, et al. Protect me from my selfie: Examining the association between photo‐based social media behaviors and self‐reported eating disorders in adolescence. Intl J Eating Disorders. 2020 May;53(5):755–66.
  4. National Health Society. Symptoms - Anorexia nervosa.
  5. Pew Research Center. Teens, Social Media and Technology 2022.
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