On Monday, May 23, 2011, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) ordered that all Fosamax femur fracture lawsuits filed in federal court be transferred to Honorable Garrett E. Brown, Jr., in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

The JPML based its decision on commonalities that justified transferring the pending federal Fosamax femur fracture lawsuits to one federal district court for combined pre-trial proceedings. The panel concluded that the District of New Jersey was a suitable venue for the Fosamax femur fracture multidistrict litigation (MDL) because Merck, the manufacturer of Fosamax, is headquartered in New Jersey and nearly two-thirds of the currently filed federal court cases are filed in that district. MDL is a procedure that allows for greater efficiency in the handling of numerous lawsuits by allowing a single judge to hear all the allegations of various plaintiffs against a common defendant or defendants.

Motley Rice lawyers are currently litigating cases involving the bisphosphonate drug Fosamax after abnormally high percentages of women who took these drugs suffered serious injuries including femur fractures.

Read the full JPML Fosamax femur fracture lawsuit order.

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